
brown trout...

only the most memorable times get photographed in our home! ha. here is her first poop on the potty. oh the things you celebrate as a parent!


red, white and blue

We took our girls to their first parade! Ridgefield really knows how to put on an old fashion hometown celebration! In the early evening we moved our fire pit out to the road to see the show our neighbors had financed. Olivia asked to go to bed around 8pm, i think she was a little frightened by the loud noises. Both girls slept through the night-amazing.



JJ took a few days off before the fourth to spend some time with our BFF's from Redmond. Their two kids are so adorable and i was estatic to get our kids together. Good weather + good food + lots of laughs + minimal tears+some sleep=an awesome time! My only complaint was that i wish we had more time...maybe next year we can plan ahead a little more!