
messy messy

why bother with a bib? this girl has a special way with food! I can say good bye to baby food. she really wants what we have on our plate and won't be silent until she gets it!

holiday happenings...

ellinor christmas morning. she was very much interested in eating the paper!

Our first go at gingerbread homes! always more candy in the mouth then on the house!

Olivia marveling at her Lulu the ladybug books. Now her collection is complete, until march, when two new books are released!

A little different year picking our tree. we still went up in the hills. The girls were bundled up fairly well, but still caught a cold!

Yuck. On our trip back from visiting the Hocker's in Redmond. This took about a half hour to clean up. We set Olivia on a tarp and hosed her down!