We were above the cloud layer. seriously one of the best views I have ever seen. |
the testosterone shot. we did end up chaining up to get back down. |
I look forward to this day excursion every year; driving up through the hills, searching endlessly for the perfect symmetry, warming wet toes by the fire, hot chocolate licked lips and of course tough truck competitions by the big boys. There was very little snow this year so we were worried that the little ones would have to face disappointment...but we lucked out. Found a gorgeous spot, nice weather and views of three different mountains! We found our tree rather quickly and it is a beauty (still not decorated...). The girls enjoyed the snow and hanging out with cousins, but mostly the hot chocolate complete with marshmallows and whipped cream! My favorite "$5" family tradition...although for one lucky family, who received a parking ticket (on a forest service road???) the tree was a bit more spendy!