
May Splatter

We started the month off with a trip to Long beach! My mom had planned a little mothers day getaway for us ( not sure if the kids were originally supposed to go-what kind of break is that? ). We ended up in the penthouse with a hot tub on the deck, not a bad deal at all! The weather was somewhat cooperative and the cousins had a great time together. Some great memories were made and I hope we make it a tradition!
Poor Kasen and Henry were surround by girls on this trip and were definitely not interested in getting their photos taken!

Running up and down the dunes.

Henry loved the sand, even decided to taste it on several occasions. Notice the toothless smile at the start of the month!
A few of JJ's coworkers decided to compete in the Pole Pedal Paddle in Bend this year. I am always amazed at what they can do without any real training! I suppose their active enough in their jobs, but I am curious how they would finish and how they would feel the day after if they prepared a bit more!

JJ had the downhill ski leg to start the relay off and then he closed up shop with a run/sprint at the end! I felt like we were being taped for a sitcom the whole time we were up on the mountain. Just seemed that we couldn't quite get our act together, probably not the easiest thing to watch or participate in when you have three little kids you are toting around!

The engine in our 'tow rig' seemed to be lacking a bit, so the boss man decided it was time for an upgrade. Perfect timing before we set out for our 8 camping trips we have planned over the summer-or not. After some setbacks and 'complications' we are still with Big Blue and have had to use the Tahoe for several of our trips this summer. JJ is working on it as I type and I have been told 'just a few more days...' (but we are nearing August!)
Is that the face of a mechanic right before the oil sputters and covers everything?

I have a sequence of photos from this that are hilarious but of course not one photo where they are all looking exactly at the camera with eyes open!

My mom requested we take her out, just sibs, no grandkids or spouses. I am not sure if this has ever happened before and it was enjoyable! 
She had to be convinced and I must say after the 6th time holding them she had warmed up to the idea!

And we ended the month with a little white dagger.
(which has been challenging during nursing sessions!)


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