
Addiction: a state of dependence or great interest in a particular thing to which a lot of time is devoted.


Anonymous said...

looks good

Melanie said...

Kara--Congratulations! What a beautiful baby you are now "addicted" to. This is Melanie Hawkins, formerly Hays, formerly your...what were we even called? PC, I think. Check out my blog at mattandmel.blogspot.com and see that I think Noah would have been an excellent name if you'd had a boy. (next on our list was Carter, and Jackson only missed the cut because we had named our puppy Jackson like a year before we got pregnant..:-)with out thinking ahead! Olivia and Madelyn were both on our girls lists!) Well I can't even remember whose blog I just found your site on. But just wanted to say hi! And Congrats! It's the BEST.

RaChelle and Paul said...

Hey friend! Olivia is looking much better without the super fabulous jaundice goggles! She is beautiful. I want to visit! Maybe Friday? Monday? Love ya! Praying you are SLEEPING!!