
Eagle Crest

We try to make it down to visit our dear friends at least twice a year, once in the winter and again for a summer time visit! Lucky for us, we can usually find an affordable price at Eagle Crest (thanks MOM). It was a bit more challenging coordinating winter weather events around a 5 month old, but we made it work! Realizing that the uninterrupted conversations, competitive game playing, and relaxing mornings with coffee and cinnamon rolls are pretty much non existent when you each have three kids!
Corinne and Olivia taking a little break in the sunshine!

The sledding hill provided to be very fast, like scary fast. Luckily I only had to ride it once and then I held this handsome little man down at the bottom for the rest of the time!

The first time ice skating, even for JJ! Talk about a learning curve!

He doesn't look so happy!

The older girls ready for some hot chocolate!


hockerfam said...

we love spending time with you guys. i'm glad we keep planning trips/visits in the midst of all the chaos and busy schedules. thanks for all the memories and the ones to come.

Paula said...

Hi Monahan!
My name is Jane and I'm with Dwellable.
I was looking for blogs about Big Sky to share on our site and I came across your post...If you're open to it, shoot me an email at jane(at)dwellable(dot)com.
Hope to hear from you soon!