
friendly dragons

We dipped into our hand me down costume box again this year! Although they are not filled with all things girl, my little dragons look adorable!  Ellie had been practicing her roar for several weeks now. She performed at every door. Olivia enjoyed passing out the candy as much as trick or treating! There were a few times she reached into her pumpkin and handed candy to people passing her on the street (it was all I could take not to say "no honey don't give out yours, they are for me!").


Some of the treats from our halloween party! We invited some friends over for a party this year! Lots of little monsters in our house all dressed in costumes! a little chaotic but oh so cute!

 my little ones had matching dragon costumes (posting more pictures later).
 the night ended with daddy reading Goodnight Goon!



we took olivia to her first production. PINKALICIOUS! She got the book for her birthday and we have seriously read it EVERYDAYsince then! needless to say, she has the whole thing memorized. So we bought the tickets and left Ellinor home with grandma. She picked out every pink thing she had in her closet sans the jacket!

look at that cheesy smile. so excited.

The whole experience was new to her. but she loved every minute of it. I loved that she had our undivided attention for the whole evening! This picture is one of my favorites. She is so happy her eyes are hiding!

Looking through the program. Notice the hand by the mouth? I have noticed this is one of her coping skills when she is not sure what is coming! She ended up sitting half the show in my lap, half with daddy!

There were so many little girls walking around in pink. Olivia enjoyed looking at all the other little princesses headed for the show! She had a great time and we did as well. Already looking at the list of upcoming productions!