

We really enjoyed our warm summer days this year. Comparing last year at this time, when we were anxiously awaiting a new born to the freedom and flexibility we had this summer, our little family just seemed to soak up every moment together! So the following photos are some of our random family happenings!

We participated in the Bridge pedal again this year and this time Olivia was on her own. Although we only tackled the shorter route due to our first timer we still enjoyed it! My Sister and her family also joined us this year!

I really want to be a good gardener. I have dreams of planting from my own germinated seed starts, which started well before planting time, fertilizing with only the best compost, which we have been cultivating all year, watering with rain water that has been collected and run through a filter system created by my husband, blah, blah, blah, etc, etc, etc. What this translates to is picking up several seed packets that the girls thought looked interesting and then having them throw them in our planter boxes in whichever way they felt. Someday but until then...

JJ wanted to stay over night on the trampoline with the girls. I wasn't to excited about the idea so I opted for staying in with Henry. they had a great time!

Little did he know he was enjoying one of his last bottles.

The girls are now sharing a bedroom. Even two months later I still wouldn't recommended it (more on that in another post). We purchased new beds and this little guy wanted to help put them together!

They love to play school and I don't mind!

Just laughing the day away!

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